Massively Multiplier Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPG)

Between MMO, FPS, and RPG, it's impossible to spend any time in the video gaming world without coming across an acronym. If you are already accustomed to them, they can be very convenient, but for those that aren't familiar with them can make things rather confusing and far less accessible. It's for this reason that we are going to explore a genre that's more than just confusing, and that's without the acronymic obfuscation, known as Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, or MMORPG.
Even if you're not accustomed to phrases such as MMORPG or perhaps MMO, we bet your bottom dollar that you've come across at least one video game that falls into these categories. Runescape, World of Warcraft, at least one of these games made an appearance on a banner ad at some point while browsing the internet. MMORPG is a game genre combining massively multiplayer online games (MMO) with role-playing video games (RPG) and feature a substantial number of players interacting with each other in a virtual world. The popularity of these game genres is so big that you might have even seen or played any of them at online casinos. Speaking of which, don't miss the opportunity to try these games out at with their Canadian no deposit casino bonus that guarantees hours of high-end entertainment and lucrative prizes.
These games will allow you to live a second life as an avatar or character of your choosing and require time commitment that isn't ideal for every player. However, given the arsenal of games currently available in this genre and the significant sums of money they tend to bring in, it's safe to say another in-game life is quite an appealing proposition for a substantial portion of the world. At, we take an in-depth look at MMORPG and explain why these awesome multiplier games are so popular, explore the different game genres in MMORPG, and provide the best free MMORPG for 2018 as well as the best free MMORPG browser games.
Different MMORPG Types
This site used to be the exclusive home of Maestia - Rise of Keledis, but now offers comprehensive information on a variety of popular MMORPGs, too. Experiencing an exciting second life won't be the same for every player. Perhaps you feel like playing an elven mage in a fantasy world or explore several galaxies in your very own spaceship. Once you located a world, do you want complete freedom over your activities or are you interested in a detailed storyline? Do you wish to play with friends to defeat villains and monsters or would you rather prefer playing as a lone wolf and take down every single player that you come across?
Regardless of which scenario suits you best, there's an MMORPG out there that will certainly appeal to you. To make life easier, we compiled a list of the most popular MMORPG types you will find when searching for your second in-game life.

MMORPG is the most popular type of massively multiplayer online games. Most of these games are developed as multiplayer browser games to reduce the cost of infrastructure and uses a thin client that players should already have installed. At Play Maestia, we offer the best fantasy MMORPG titles as well as the best adventure MMORPG titles to further assist you in finding the game you want.
First-person shooter (MMOFPS) is another popular genre featuring a considerable number of players within a first-person shooter world. MMOFPS offers large-scale combat and provides elements of RPG's, including experience points, but these games focus more on player skill as opposed to player statistics.
Real-time strategy games are also well-known throughout the gaming world, usually referred to as MMORTS, combining a virtual world with real-time strategy. Players usually assume the role of a king, general, or other figureheads to lead an army while also maintaining resources required for warfare. The game titles are normally based in a fantasy or sci-fi universe.
Other MMO games are designed to simulate specific aspects of the real world, especially when it comes to activities or industries of huge potential loss or very large risk, such as battle tanks, trucks, airplanes, and rocket science. Examples of simulation MMO games include Jumpgate, The Sims Online, Motor City Online, War Thunder, and World of Tanks. You can also find MMO games based on sports, racing, music, or combat.
Best Free MMORPG for 2018
MMORPG's were once considered the most popular genre in the world with games like League of Legends, Call of Duty, or even PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. The MMORPG genre might have gone underground since these games were launched, but that doesn't mean you won't still find addictive, amazing, and wonderfully-designed experiences in the gaming world to choose from. You simply need to know where to search for these games. Fortunately, we at Play Maestia have rounded up the best free to play MMORPG's you can enjoy right now. So please take the time to browse through our selection and enjoy dropping into a new adventure. Or if you'd like to try something different, browse the selection of MMO inspired slots games on this site. Don't worry; you won't have to spend any money because just by visiting the website, you'll receive a 15 free spins promo.
Multiplayer Casino Games
Apart from MMO games that creature a brand-new fantasy world to indulge in, the online casino industry also offers a social MMO, allowing you to fully immersive yourself in a truly captivating casino experience. In a social online multiplier casino experience, you can create a personalized 3D avatar which will represent you in the online world. You can look forward to a wide range of multi-player casino games, such as poker, blackjack, slots, and video poker along with a rewards system that will eventually unlock prestigious clothing to further enhance your overall look. You can also interact with other online players and level up to reach the VIP section that features higher stakes. If you are interested in trying them, we recommend you first start playing for free or using some of the no deposit bonuses from online casinos and also read some tips that will increase your chances of winning. At Play Maestia, we also look at the best multiplayer casino games if you are ever interested in exploring a world filled with endless winning opportunities.